Cover letters

当你向潜在雇主发送简历时, 一定要附上一封精心制作的求职信.


为什么求职信很重要? Like a résumé, the goal of a cover letter is to get you an interview.

But an effective cover letter communicates things your résumé can’t, including:

  • 你对这个职位和雇主的强烈兴趣.
  • 你对职位要求的深刻理解.
  • How your skills relate to the organization’s needs, through storytelling.

While résumés are meant to inform and stick to the facts of your career history, cover letters can tell interesting stories, persuade, and showcase personality.

Your cover letter will often serve as your potential employer’s first impression of you. 一封写得好的求职信增加了你的专业性, 个人风格, 也为你的求职提供了竞争优势.



This video walks through all the necessary steps to create a successful cover letter.


Cover letters

The cover letter is your personal introduction to a prospective employer that outlines your interest in the position and the organization and expresses why you are qualified.



[使用和你的简历相同的标题. They’re a set!]




  • 说说你为什么写作, 你申请的具体职位, 还有你是怎么知道这个职位空缺的. 
  • Express your knowledge of this particular organization and how your passions or interests align with its work.
  • 说出你为什么非常适合这个职位, introducing the top skills you’ll discuss in the body paragraphs (think of it as your thesis for the cover letter).


Indicate what you can do for the employer and how you’ll make a unique contribution to the organization.

  • In each paragraph, highlight a skill/experience relevant to the position.
  • Start with a topic sentence that sets up what you’ll be talking about:
    • 正文第1段: To start, my depth of team management experience would enable me to be effective in this role.”
    • 正文第二段: Furthermore, my background using data and analytics to expand publication readership would help me excel as your Associate Editor for Washington.”
  • Tell the story of how you used that skill in the past, and how you can do the same for them. 使用这种结构来讲述你的故事:  
    • Problem: 当前的问题/挑战是什么? 简单介绍一下背景,这样网易彩票app就能和你在一起了.
    • Action: 你采取了什么行动?
    • Results: 结果如何(数字很棒吗?!)? 你从这次经历中学到了什么?
  • 不要只是重复你在简历中发现的相同信息!
  • 这部分可以用句子或项目符号来写.


  • 感谢雇主的时间和考虑.
  • 确定你的下一步(5).g., contacting them the following week to see if you can arrange an interview).






  • Limit to one page.
  • 求职信的格式要与你的求职简历相匹配.e.,字体,标题,颜色等.).
  • 发送电子邮件时,以pdf格式发送.


Cover letters

Learn basics about creating a cover letter that gets you an interview.



突出职位描述中的关键词; 特别注意 需求/资格证书 section. (You don’t have to guess—this section is where they tell you exactly what they’re looking for!) 请看下面的招聘广告示例.

Make a list of the qualifications they want that you have—either all or in part. If they’re asking for 3 years of experience in an area, and you have 1, that’s still valuable! 或者如果他们要求某种类型的软件专业知识, 你知道类似的事情, count that! 列出任何与工作相关的经验 don’t limit yourself to only applying to jobs where you meet all the qualifications.


Use the Problem-Action-Result structure discussed in the 求职信的基本结构 above. 参见下面的求职信示例.



城市媒体-西雅图,WA 98109(安妮女王地区)

TheCitiesMedia.Com目前正在寻找一个 积极和热情的副编辑首先在招聘启事中突出关键词. Learn the language the employer speaks so you can use some in your materials! 加入网易彩票app快速扩张的编辑团队. The editor will play a major role in our growth in the Western United States with a focus on Seattle and Washington.

网易彩票app正在寻找一个讲故事的人 热爱华盛顿州 并想通过创作来表达 吸引人的,相关的,鼓舞人心的内容.

城市媒体编辑 ambitious and 独立的思想家 who 了解千禧一代关心什么. Our editors want Cities to be the best source of information for their communities, 它是否在崩溃 新的立法, spotlighting 非凡的本地人物 和善行,或传播的消息 隐藏的瀑布 每个人一生中都应该去拜访一次.

Before applying, please visit our site to get a feel for what we’re looking for.


This is an 初级合约职位(全职). 该职位位于西雅图, but the Associate Editor must be able to work closely with writers and editors across the country. 报酬将与经验相称.


TheCitiesMedia.Com的目标是 让18到39岁的人了解、启发和娱乐他们的世界. We’re the 澳大利亚顶尖的千禧一代出版商 with 每月1000万独立用户 and we’re 向美国扩张.S. this year.


  • 研究,分配,编辑,偶尔写文章
  • 负责 本州用户和页面浏览量的增长
  • 招聘、培训和领导作家团队
  • 确保所有信息 properly cited and 实事求是地说
  • Developing 内容策略确保稳定增长 in your state
  • 分析数据和分析,并寻求 提高读者参与度和留存率


  • Exceptional 英语口语和书面表达能力
  • 1 year of 专业编辑经验 at a 数字网易彩票下载出版商 and a Bachelor’s 网易彩票下载学、传播学或相关专业的学位
  • 一种激情的混合 research, data & 分析、本地网易彩票下载和管理
  • 对…的痴迷 紧迫的截止日期和团队头脑风暴
  • 发现的能力 吸引人的,独特的,鼓舞人心的角度 同时忠于 Cities voice


206-888-6653. | Seattle, WA.


  • Excellent written and verbal English communication skills 有不同的受众.
  • 2+ years’ 编辑经验 at 2个数字网易彩票下载出版商,包括管理人员.
  • 丰富的经验 researching and analyzing publication data 增加读者群.
  • Passion for Seattle-区域网易彩票下载和传递 千禧一代引人入胜、鼓舞人心的内容.
  • 开会的力量 tight deadlines,两者都工作得很好 teams and independently.
Take time to align this section carefully with the job description so employers will read on. 使用他们的关键词!"



June 20XX

网易彩票下载, Seattle, WA.

  • 辅修工商管理|总GPA: 3.75.

Study Abroad

20XX年2月- 5月


  • 学习塞内加尔艺术和沃洛夫语, while living and successfully building relationships with local host family (all daily activities and coursework in French).
  • 完成为期两周的修道院里生活的独立研究, 包括30页的报告和演示.


Seattle Weekly, Seattle, WA.


Digital Intern

  • 与数字编辑合作制作每月的数字产品 content 主要周报日历 Seattle 网易彩票下载文化类刊物(主要受众年龄22-40岁).
  • Review site analytics 与编辑周刊一起,探索提高参与度的策略.
  • Brainstorm 与每周6人的数字团队一起制定战略 相关的,鼓舞人心的内容 about Seattle 人生,特别专注 millennials.
  • Edited 在现场独立工作一周 editing 并为6位作者上传文章, 按照SEO标准编写标题, 管理社交媒体(Twitter) & Instagram).
  • 为《网易彩票下载》撰写3-4篇网易彩票下载、艺术和文化文章.每周都要按时完成. 文章的平均访问量为1800 pageviews per week.

The Falcon: 网易彩票下载’s Independent Student Newspaper, Seattle, WA.



  • Manage team 18位作家的双周刊 digital 大学报纸,指导他们写作 迷人,平易, clear content 对于学生团体,要在截止日期前完成.
  • 检查网站和社交媒体 analytics 每周与员工一起,发展 content 增加的策略 engagement and retention; have increased readership 15% during editorship.
  • Host bi-monthly 30-minute podcasts about major local issues affecting students.

News Editor

20XX年9月- 20XX年6月

  • Managed news staff and edited 迷人,平易 articles bi-weekly for 3-5 writers.


M.E.Ch.在网易彩票下载, Vice President, Seattle, WA.


  • Managed activities for club promoting awareness and involvement in Spanish and Latino community and culture.

雷尼尔青年营, 青少年顾问, Seattle, WA.



206-888-6653. | Seattle, WA.



Marilyn Smith
Cities Media
纽约,NY 10001


I’m excited to apply for the 副主编,华盛顿 position for Cities Media posted on 我的激情是分享 engaging Seattle-地区网易彩票下载 millennials in a clear, relatable way. 我认为我非常适合这个角色,因为我的 2年数字编辑团队管理经验, and 我在使用 research and analytics 扩大出版物读者群.

Paragraph 1:
  • Express enthusiasm for job
  • State 与公司价值观相一致的兴趣/激情
  • Introduce 2 top skills 你们将在信中讨论

To start, my depth of team management experience would enable me to be effective in this role. 举个例子,作为 The Falcon 去年的校报, I’ve been responsible for leading the staff of 18 to produce quality content 每周为4000多名学生举办一次. 网易彩票app的员工拥有丰富的不同背景和观点, I knew that we could offer SPU students much more value if we planned content 比我一个人干要好得多. Therefore, 在去年年初, I met with each writer individually to learn more about their writing interests, and engaged them in weekly team 在头脑风暴会议上,网易彩票app一起分配文章. 今年6月,员工们告诉我,他们觉得自己受到了公司的重视 team 并被赋予充分成长和表达自我的能力 The Falcon. 此外,那一年网易彩票app的读者人数增加了15%. 

第2 - 3段:在中间的两段中, 通过讲故事来展示技能 第1段所述. Use the Problem, Action, Result structure. Don't just repeat your resume; give more details to 把读者带进体验的“房间” with you.

此外,我的背景使用 data and analytics to expand publication readership would help me excel as your Associate Editor for Washington. 例如,作为一名数字实习生 Seattle Weekly, I got the opportunity to edit the site independently for a week this summer while the digital editor was away. 我对 editing and uploading articles by 6 writers each day, as well as managing Twitter and Instagram accounts. When I noticed that several articles posted in the morning were not receiving as many views as I’d expected, I changed the headlines midday to align more closely with SEO standards, and 下午的交通流量增加了. 我还修改了我的社交媒体发布时间,以推广更多 engagement, 到周末涨了30%.

非常感谢您的时间和考虑. 如果你有任何问题,请告诉我, and I will email you next week to see if we can schedule an interview.

Paragraph 4: 感谢雇主. 让他们知道你会的 跟进要求安排面试.


José García


  • 太笼统:没有为特定的工作量身定做.
  • 没有提供雇主调查和工作知识的证据.
  • 试图包含太多内容. 读起来就像来自rsamsum的“最伟大的成就”, rather than painting a picture (through stories) of skills you can bring them.
  • 关注你需要什么或想要什么,而不是你能贡献什么.
  • 拼写和语法错误.
  • 重复的信息.
  • 写得太简短或太啰嗦.
  • 省略网易彩票app.

Tip: 大声朗读你的求职信. 这可以帮助你抓住尴尬的措辞.